1550nm保偏TAP隔离器 单级 Polarization Maintaining Tap Isolator Features Applications Low Insertion Loss Compact Fiber Amplifiers High Return Loss Compact Fiber Optical System High Extinction Ratio Fiber Laser High Isolation Fiber Sensor High Stability & Reliability Specifications Parameters Unit Value Stage - Single Dual Operating Wavelength Range nm 1530~1570 Max. Insertion Loss dB 0.8(for 1%), 1(for 5%) 1.0(for 1%),1.2(for 5%) Signal Tap Ratio % 1±0.2, 5±1 1±0.2, 5±1 Typ. Peak Isolation dB 40 52 Min. Isolation at 23℃ dB 28 45 Min. Extinction Ratio(only for F type) dB 23 23 Min. Extinction Ratio(only for B type) dB 20 20 Min. Return Loss(all ports) dB 50 50 Max. Optical Power(CW) mW 300 Max. Tensile Load N 5 Fiber Type - PM Panda Fiber, SMF-28e Operating Temperature ℃ 0~+70 Storage Temperature ℃ -40~+85 For device with connector, IL is 0.3dB higher, RL is 5dB lower, ER is 2dB lower; The default connector key is aligned to slow axis; Ordering Information PMTIS-1111-234456-777 1550 -Center wavelength: 1550=1550nm,...... 2 -Stage: S=Single-core stage, D=Dual-core stage 3 -Axis alignment F=Slow axis working Fast axis blocked, B=Both of axis working 44 -Tap ratio: 01=1%, 02=2%, ......, 50=50% 5 -Pigtail type: 0=250 bare fiber, 1=900um loose tube, 2=2.0mm loose tube, 3=3.0 loose tube 6 -Fiber length: 0=0.8m,1=1m 777 -Connector type: 0=FC/UPC,1=FC/APC,2=SC/UPC,3=SC/APC,4=LC/UPC,5=LC/APC 深圳瑞凯通信科技有限公司 专业生产 保偏器件 和 高功率器件: 保偏器件: ---保偏 偏振分束器 、偏振合束器 ---隔离型偏振分束器 、隔离型偏振合束器 ---保偏隔离器、保偏环形器、保偏准直器 ---保偏跳线、保偏尾纤 ---保偏波分复用器、保偏FWDM、保偏DWDM(100Ghz、200Ghz) ---保偏隔离型WDM、保偏TAP隔离器 ---保偏可调衰减器 ---保偏法拉*镜 1060nm/1064nm 器件 ---1064nm 偏振分束器、偏振合束器 ---1064nm 保偏隔离器、保偏环形器、保偏准直器 ---1064nm 保偏跳线 ---1064nm 起偏器、消偏器 ---1064nm 高功率准直输出隔离器(5w,10w,20w)